The 3 Most Effective Diets

To lose weight, you need to prepare yourself mentally and understand that a healthy and effective diet will not have immediate results – it takes time.
The 3 most effective diets

 There are no miracle cures. If you try such a diet, it can be detrimental to your health and also cause a setback in most people. Today we will review the 3 most effective diets.

In today’s article we will describe three effective diets. It allows you to lose a few pounds while maintaining a healthy, balanced and progressive diet  – without suffering. Find out more!

The 3 most effective diets

In order for a diet to be healthy and effective, you need to forget about hunger, sacrifice, obsessions with calories, fat-free foods and the like. You also need to give up the myth that you can get amazing results in just a few days.

Diets that really work are progressive, promote gradual weight loss while making you feel more alive, and improve both your health and mood. You want to slim down in a more proportionate way, as well.

Woman looking tempted into the fridge

The key to these three diets is the way you eat. We offer you various choices that will allow you to see some small benefits in a few days. With patience and perseverance, they will help you reach your ideal weight, and stay there, without sacrificing all the things you love.

1. Diet low in carbohydrates

Many nutritionists recommend diets that are low in carbohydrates because  carbohydrates are an energy source that form fat deposits if they are not used in the body. And besides, today we eat too many carbohydrates, which are refined and often of poor quality.

This diet will  completely remove white flour and foods made with it  (bread, pasta, cookie, etc.). You should also avoid whole grain products because they are all too often made using white flour and added bran, which further contributes to weight gain.

You can still  consume small amounts of certain whole grain products:

  • Rice
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Millet

You can eat small portions of these for breakfast and lunch, but never dinner.

In return,  you will need to increase your intake of protein and fat, though this may come as a surprise. Always choose natural, unprocessed products that are high quality and easy to digest.

In terms of protein, try:

  • White meat, preferably organic
  • Fish
  • Cheese
  • Egg
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts (only a handful daily) and seeds

As for fat, you can incorporate:

  • Vegetable oils such as olives, flaxseed, coconut, wheat germ, or sesame oil
  • Avocados:
  • Nuts (only a handful daily) and seeds

2. The careful dinner

Healthy diet

This diet includes balanced meals throughout the day, but  pay special attention to your dinner because this last meal is one of the main causes of obesity.

During the day, you should eat moderate amounts, without abusing certain foods or meals, and incorporate small snacks in between. Try to be strict about the following, though:

  • Always eat dinner before 20. If you feel hungry later than that, try drinking a cup of tea or eating an apple before bed.
  • Your dinner should always consist of a vegetarian dish ( salad, grilled vegetables, soup or gazpacho) and a light protein-rich dish (fish, lean meat or eggs) that is grilled or baked. For dessert, try baked apples or pears.

If you follow this simple pattern, you will soon notice that you lose weight gradually because  through the night your body will release more toxins. This feature is prevented if you spend the night with digestion because you ate too much for dinner.

3. Diet with portion control

Fish With Vegetables

This last diet is based on the simple fact that when you eat too much, you gain weight. You can still enjoy your guilty pleasures as long as you try to do it moderately and at the right times of the day.

In most cases, this diet is a challenge for people who eat compulsively or when they are worried. But it is very suitable for those who can control the amount they consume.

You can enjoy up to ten five meals a day, but it is important that you never eat so much that you feel full. Stop eating while still feeling like you could eat something more, like a dessert, but at the same time feel full. 

One way to avoid the urge to overeat is to drink a stomach tea, which will give you this feeling of satiety.

Once you get used to this diet, only put on your plate what you eat for a meal. Because you have made this your portion, it will keep you from going back for more.

It is important that you grow from understanding that food is a way to alleviate hunger. When you chew your food well, you are in fact learning that your body does not need huge amounts of food. You will also digest and absorb nutrients better. 

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