The Best Way To Bleach Your Hair Without Damaging It

If you want to bleach your hair or change its color, learn these simple techniques to bleach your hair without damaging it.
The best way to bleach your hair without damaging it

There are many products on the market to bleach your hair, but their chemical compounds can damage your hair, either easily or severely. In some cases, the damage may be irreversible. In addition, many girls tend to dye their hair many times a year and cause even more damage.

Have you ever wondered how you can bleach your hair without damaging it?

In this article, we take a look at some natural products that can help your hair stay lighter for longer, which reduces how often you should use abrasive products.

What does bleach do to your hair?

Woman bleaches hair

Your hair is divided into three parts.

  1. You have hair follicles, which are formed by cells composed of keratin, and they are responsible for protecting the interior of your hair. It affects its luster and color.
  2. Then you have the bark. The bark is formed on the inside of your hair strand, which makes up approx. 70% of its mass. The rest consists of keratinized cells.
  3. Finally you have medulla. This is the central part of your hair where your natural pigments and oils from the sebaceous gland are. It is porous and gives your hair its consistency.

Bleaching your hair is a process where the color is reduced in the hair pigment. The combination of oxygenated water and bleaching product releases the active oxygen and attacks the pigment, giving it a bright appearance. The end product depends on the original pigment that your hair had. To get an intense blonde color when you start with dark brown, use bleach products in a few different sessions.

As you know, bleaching your hair with chemical products is an aggressive process. Therefore, you need to be careful because you may suffer from negative consequences in the future and even the moment you apply it. The more bleach you use, the more damage it can cause.

How to naturally bleach your hair without damaging it

Bleaching your hair naturally without causing damage is possible. With the techniques below, you can reduce the intensity of the hair color you currently have.

In addition, you will definitely notice that your hair becomes more shiny and more lively.

1. Bleach with chamomile

Woman smiling

Chamomile is one of the most widely used products to bleach your hair. That’s why we show you this first. Lemon is another bleaching agent and you can combine it with chamomile. The process is super easy.

  • In a saucepan boil two cups of water.
  • Add the bag of chamomile when it boils.
  • Then place it in the freezer to cool quickly.
  • When cold, add the juice of half a lemon.

With your hair moist and using a spray bottle, spread it on the hair so that it works for approx. 20 minutes. You should do this process at least twice a week to see the results you are looking for.

To make the results more effective, add chamomile extract to your shampoo. This way you can enhance the effect with your daily shower. There are even commercial products like this one that have chamomile extract.

2. Lemon, eggs and beer mask

Woman saves hair with comb
  • The first thing you should do to bleach your hair without damaging it is whip the egg whites until it is frothy.
  • Then add half a cup of non-alcoholic beer.
  • Mix them with a wooden spoon and add in the lemon.

Apply this mask to damp hair through a gentle massage and let it sit for approx. 20 minutes. Then rinse it out with plenty of water. You can also do this treatment twice a week.

Yes, beer can be used for other things too!

3. Bleach with apple cider vinegar and honey

Woman with wet hair - it bleached her hair

Another way to lighten your hair without causing damage is with apple cider vinegar and honey.

  • Place a pan over medium heat and add water and two tablespoons of honey.
  • When the water starts to boil, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and let the mixture heat for another few minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and place in the refrigerator.

When it is cold, apply it on your hair. Using a hair dryer on the hot setting, dry your hair to help absorb the mixture. As with the other techniques, let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse it out with plenty of water.

After bleaching, be aware that you need to take extra precautions to protect your hair. It will ensure that your hair is as shiny and fabulous as ever.

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