The Most Effective Natural Remedies For Toothache

Toothache causes a lot of discomfort and can disrupt your daily life if not treated in a timely manner.
The most effective natural remedies for toothache

Want to know some natural remedies for toothache?

A toothache is the result of a stimulation of the nerve root, either by chemical, mechanical or thermal means. This stimulation causes nerve irritation, which the brain tends to perceive as a very intense painful stimulus.

The condition tends to get worse if not treated quickly.

Symptoms of Toothache

  • The most characteristic symptom is toothache itself. But the pain changes. The pain usually gets worse, subsides a little, and then it suddenly comes again.
  • Discomfort or pain around the jaw.
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing food.
  • Sensitivity to cold and heat.

Causes of toothache

Although people usually tend to think that toothaches are caused by caries, it is actually not the only thing that can cause them. Sometimes it may not even have anything to do with the tooth itself.

Here are the most common causes of toothache:

  • Holes
  • Exposure of tooth roots
  • Gingivitis
  • Cracked teeth
  • Dental image
  • Oral lesions
  • Jaw cysts
  • Sinusitis

Depending on the cause of the toothache, other symptoms may occur. These symptoms ultimately help diagnose the cause. They are: bleeding gums, thick mucus, fever or pain in the ear.

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Important information

Caries is one of the leading causes of toothache. It is basically a disease that can have many causes that cause localized and progressive destruction of hard dental tissues. This tends to destroy the enamel, then the dentin, until it finally reaches the gums if left untreated.

This causes the inflammatory reaction and the pain as there are many nerve endings in this area.

Tips if you suffer from toothache

Here are some tips to help you in case of toothache:

  • Try to avoid very hard foods that require a lot of chewing.
  • Do not chew too much.
  • You should avoid very hot or very cold foods.
  • Sweets and sugar make toothaches worse, so you should avoid them.
  • Keep something cold against the outside of the cheek over the painful toothache. The cold provides a numbing effect that can relieve toothache a little. Yes, you should avoid applying the cold directly inside your mouth because it can make your pain worse.
  • Avoid putting pressure on the painful area. To do this, place your head on the opposite side of the tooth that is hurting. Do not sleep on the affected area.

The best natural remedies for toothache


Garlic is a natural remedy for toothache

Garlic has many beneficial health properties. It promotes circulation and eliminates fluids, fights respiratory infections, and is one of the best natural remedies for toothache.


  • 3 crushed garlic cloves
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

Course of action

  • Heat the water together with the crushed garlic clove until it boils.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and let stand for 5-7 minutes.
  • Then pour the tea into a cup and drink.

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Salt and water

Salt temporarily increases the pH of the mouth, creating an alkaline environment in which bacteria cannot survive. If the pain is due to an infection caused by food debris trapped between the teeth, salt can help you as it acts antiseptic.


  • 1 tablespoon salt (15 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

Course of action

  • Add 1 tablespoon of salt to a cup of water and stir well.
  • Gargle with the mixture to kill the bacteria that cause toothache.


Parsley is rich in antioxidants

This aromatic iron-rich plant has antioxidant properties. In addition, chewing raw parsley several times a day also helps relieve toothache.


  • 3 sprigs of parsley

Course of action

  • Chew parsley in the area where you have toothache.
  • We recommend doing this carefully to prevent worsening of the condition.

Try these natural remedies for toothache today.

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