The Right Diet For People With Cancer

The proper diet for people with cancer should consist of fruits and vegetables that increase their intake of antioxidants. We will tell you what scientific research has to say on the subject.
The right diet for people with cancer

Cancer is a complex disease that depends on both genetic and environmental factors. Diet can affect the risk of this disorder developing,  and at the same time, patients will need chemotherapy. When it comes to the right diet for people with cancer, it is important to have some guidelines in mind.

For example, it is fundamental that patients restrict foods and substances that contribute to the growth of the tumor.

At the same time  , it is important to increase the intake of products with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This range of ingredients will maximize the effects of chemotherapy and reduce the side effects of the same treatment.

Limit your intake of processed foods

Consumption of processed foods, which are rich in additives, simple sugars and trans fats, is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. An article in the British Medical Journal  explains this fact.

These types of substances increase the number of mutations that are generated at a cellular level. In addition, they act as an energy substrate for the same tumor, which contributes to its growth. For this reason, it is essential to ban these processed products in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.

While cutting these processed foods out of a healthy person’s diet can have a preventative effect, it can prolong the life expectancy of people with cancer. It is about an increase in the likelihood that these patients will respond positively to treatment.

Processed foods

The proper diet for people with cancer should include antioxidant foods

Antioxidants are substances that counteract the formation of free radicals. They fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of mutations in DNA,  which can lead to carcinogenic processes. If you take them regularly, it helps to avoid the development of these types of disorders.

In patients who already have this disease, it is vital that they increase their intake of these products in the hope of stopping the growth of the tumor. Some plant nutrients such as lycopene found in tomatoes can help slow tumor growth. An article published in the journal  Nutrition and Cancer  confirms this fact.

In order to increase the intake of antioxidants, patients need to increase the number of fruits and vegetables in their diet. In addition, they should especially increase their intake of red vegetables as well as cruciferous vegetables.

At the same time, exotic fruits are also characterized by being rich in vitamins and plant nutrients. They can therefore help achieve the goal of fighting the products of cellular oxygenation. Variety is the key when it comes to the right diet for people with cancer.

Dietary supplements for people with cancer

In addition, there are some substances in the form of supplements that can help people with cancer. One of them is melatonin, which is a hormone responsible for regulating the sleep rhythm, which has a significant antioxidant effect.

The effects of this supplement have been demonstrated in the scientific literature. They are reflected, for example, in an article published in the  Journal Oncotarget.

That said, however  , these benefits are found in doses that are greater than those used at a clinical level today. Studies of melatonin and the prevention and treatment of cancer use doses greater than 10 mg per day.

In addition, this hormone manages to reduce the side effects associated with the pharmacological treatment. It thus improves sleep, reduces stress levels and improves the numbers associated with metabolism.

Lettuce and chicken are excellent examples of diets for people with cancer

Optimized nutrition is essential when it comes to the right diet for people with cancer

Cancer is a multifactorial disease that is directly related to certain environmental factors. Patients therefore need to optimize their diet in order to avoid the development of this disorder as well as in trying to help treat it.

The proper intake of nutrients is able to stop the growth of the tumor and maximize the effects of the pharmacological treatment. In order to see these benefits, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins and plant nutrients with an increased antioxidant ability.

In addition, it is also fundamental to  ban all foods, it produces inflammation  and has the stubbornness to increase mutagenicity. These are, for example, processed foods. This group of substances has a negative medium- and long-term effect on health and is associated with the development of complex diseases.

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