Try Making This Delicious Vegan Mayonnaise

Try this delicious alternative to plain mayonnaise and enjoy the benefits of this creamy dressing. After all, vegan cuisine can also be enjoyed by non-vegans!
Try making this delicious, vegan mayonnaise

The vegan mayonnaise is an excellent choice as a dressing. Not just because of its light consistency, but also because it contains good nutrients. In addition, it does not affect your bad cholesterol (LDL) or your weight.

Normal mayonnaise is used as an accompaniment to many different dishes – for example, fried chicken or baked potatoes. It can also be used to highlight a distinctive flavor in a dish.

In addition to regular mayonnaise, it is also possible to make other dressings from this delicious, vegan mayonnaise!

The origin of the mayonnaise

Mayonnaise in a jar

It is said that the mayonnaise comes from the island of Menorca – more specifically, from the city of Mahon. That’s where the name comes from –  mahonesa.

It is believed that this emulsion dates from the middle of the 19th century. Since then, it has often been used as a dip for a multitude of different dishes and in varying amounts.

An emulsion?

Mayonnaise in a bowl

Yes – mayonnaise is an emulsion. Emulsions are homogeneous and stable mixtures of two liquids. This means that one of the two liquids dissolves the other into droplets. This is how the mayonnaise gets its stable structure.

As an emulsion , mayonnaise comes from the solution of oil in an aqueous liquid. This happens because egg yolks contain an emulsifying factor called  lecithin.

Lecithin from the egg yolk surrounds the small drops of oil that occur when the ingredients are whipped. In this way, lecithin allows the oil to accumulate with the liquid. But how can you make the vegan mayonnaise if there are no eggs in it?

Veganism and mayonnaise

Veganism is a philosophy based on respect for wildlife. Therefore, vegans are not allowed to consume any kind of animal products. So which products are banned? Meat, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs, honey and all other products derived from or derived from animals.

Therefore, vegans must refrain from eating certain foods, such as mayonnaise. Instead, they take the same recipe, but replace the ingredients with products made or based on vegetables.

How to make the vegan mayonnaise

Vegan mayonnaise

Making the vegan mayonnaise is not much different from the regular, traditional mayonnaise. If you make it right, it might taste even better than the classic mayonnaise.

To make the vegan mayonnaise, you need some basic ingredients: Vegetable oil along with another type of plant milk. It tastes really good when you add a little salt and lemon or vinegar.

It is important that you make sure that all the ingredients have the same room temperature. The mixture will not succeed if the oil is at room temperature while the soy milk is cold.


  • A pinch of salt
  • A little lemon juice (about 3mL)
  • 60 mL plant milk (preferably soy milk)
  • 180-190 mL vegetable oil (olive or sunflower oil)


  • Pour the plant milk and lemon into a blender.
  • Turn on the blender.
  • Set the blender to a lower intensity and gradually add the oil.
  • Once the mixture for the desired consistency, you can add the salt.
  • Store the vegan mayonnaise in a glass. Eat it within 3 days.

This is the recipe for the basic vegan mayonnaise. You can add other ingredients for variety,  depending on what it is served with. For example, you can make a delicious flavor by adding a little garlic, a little coriander or parsley.

You can also use flavored oil by using an infusion method. That way, you can add flavor to the final dish. As you can see, the vegan mayonnaise is a very versatile and useful dressing,  just like the regular one.

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