Try This Effective Diet To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

This article describes the two types of cholesterol and discusses why one type is harmful in the body. It also provides tips on how to reduce bad cholesterol.
Try this effective diet to reduce bad cholesterol

Hypercholesterolemia is the medical term used to denote high levels of cholesterol. At present, it is one of the most common tribulations. Unfortunately, the result of bad cholesterol can be fatal as it causes serious heart problems. Therefore, it is important to reduce bad cholesterol.

For the most part, the susceptibility to high cholesterol is dependent on genetic factors. Nevertheless, it is a poor diet and lack of exercise that causes most cases of hypercholesterolemia.

Given the high levels of cholesterol that people have these days, we would like to give you the measures you can take in your diet to reduce bad cholesterol.

The diet we are discussing will also allow you to try it out if you have a poor diet at the moment.

What You Should Know About Cholesterol

In general, cholesterol is a molecular fat that is necessary for life. It is found in the blood and cells of animals and humans. Our body needs it to produce hormones, bile acids, vitamin D and other substances.

However, an increase in these levels in the blood can be dangerous to our physical health. This is because it accumulates in the arteries, preventing blood circulation, resulting in arterial hypertension.

You are tired

Likewise, the accumulation of cholesterol can completely block an artery, which can cause cellular death of the tissue that does not receive blood. Similarly, it can provoke blood clots.

These blood clots can enter very narrow arteries and clog them, which can lead to stroke or heart attack.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what cholesterol is and how to reduce bad cholesterol.

Types of cholesterol

Since it is a molecular fat, cholesterol cannot travel freely in the blood, which is liquid. Because of this, an element called lipoprotein carries it. Depending on the type of lipoprotein, cholesterol is either good or bad.

  • Low-density lipoproteins are responsible for taking cholesterol from the blood to the tissues.
  • High-density lipoproteins are responsible for getting rid of the cholesterol that clumps the tissue by taking it directly through the liver where it needs to be eliminated.

Low density lipoprotein is what we need to reduce when it enters the blood vessels. This is why it is known as “bad” cholesterol. On the other hand, high density lipoprotein is considered “good” as it eliminates the bad cholesterol.

Foods rich in cholesterol

A balanced diet is the way to prevent or reduce large amounts of cholesterol. To achieve this, we need to know which foods contain cholesterol and which do not. Some of the foods with the highest levels are the following:

Red meat
  • Red meat and cold cuts
  • Mussels, conch meat and lobster
  • Egg yolks
  • Milk, Milk yogurt, fatty cheeses and cream
  • Butter and lard

Cholesterol-free foods

Fortunately, there are products that you can consume to reduce bad cholesterol that will help you reduce your cholesterol levels:

  • Fiber has properties that prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream.
  • Antioxidants inhibit clogging of the arteries.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids raise the production of good or high-density cholesterol.

Also read: Try 5 herbal teas that cleanse the arteries naturally

A diet to reduce bad cholesterol

Healthy diet

Below we will give you some tips for planning a diet that will help you reduce bad cholesterol:

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Five servings of fruits and vegetables are best for giving you fiber and antioxidants so you can reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Increase your fish consumption. Fish is rich in omega 3, which lowers cholesterol. It is good to eat white fish four times a week and blue fish twice a week.
  • Reduce the amount of red meat you eat. Due to its high cholesterol level, it should only be consumed once a week.
  • Include nuts in your diet. Nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that reduce this molecule.
  • Eat whole grains and legumes. These foods help prevent the absorption of this element thanks to its fiber content. Consume whole grains and legumes daily.
  • Minimize your sugar consumption. Sugar can raise your cholesterol, so it is important to limit consumption.
  • Avoid fried foods. When eaten in excess, they can be very harmful if you want to control your cholesterol levels.
  • Use olive oil. Although it is fat, it is polyunsaturated, which is recommended instead of animal fat. You can also consume rapeseed and sunflower oil.
  • Maintain a moderate consumption of eggs. Eat more egg whites as they do not contain as much cholesterol.

Read: 7 Reasons Why It’s a Good Idea to Add Eggs to Your Diet

Finally, supplement your diet with physical activity. Also be aware that if you have high cholesterol levels, it may require medication. If this is the case then you need to see a doctor.

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