Types Of Vegan Cheese And Their Benefits

Vegan cheese is made from vegetable products. They are usually organic and involve consolidation of protein mass from various sources such as soy, solid vegetable oils, nutritional yeast and grains.
Types of vegan cheese and their benefits

Have you ever tried vegan cheese? Do you think it can have more benefits than dairy products? So read this article and we will tell you more about the different types of vegan cheese.

Vegans are people who do not eat meat or any animal products. This means that they do not consume milk and dairy products, eggs and other animal products.

What is vegan cheese?

Vegan cheese on the plate

Cheese is a very popular food. There is a wide variety and a myriad of options to choose from. However, many people have had to stop eating it due to medical conditions  such as lactose intolerance and allergy to milk protein.

On the other hand, other people have chosen a lifestyle without dairy products, such as vegans, as has come several of the past few years at the global and local level.

The traditional types of cheese we know are made from casein, which is  a type of milk protein from animals such as cows, goats and sheep. During production, a group of enzymes produced by an animal’s stomach, known as rennet, is added to milk.

On the other hand, vegan and vegetable cheeses are made from plants that are usually organic and they involve consolidating protein mass from different plant sources such as soy, solid vegetable oils, nutritional yeast and grains.

Since this type of cheese does not undergo the natural maturation process for proteins,  it does not have the same taste as a dairy product that has been matured.

Benefits of consuming it

As we have seen, vegan cheese has its characteristics that make them different from animal cheese. But they also have several impressive benefits that make them ideal for any type of diet.

  • The great advantage of these products is that they have a much lower amount of cholesterol and fat than animal products. It reduces the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, heart problems and some types of cancer.
  • In terms of protein, vegan cheese contains 0.85 to 2 grams of protein per serving. It is therefore a good source of protein.
  • Another impressive benefit of eating this food is its high content of minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, which are very necessary both for the proper functioning of the nervous system and for maintaining muscle mass.

3 large groups of vegan cheese

Cheese in bowl

The first is made from tofu, which is also called vegan cheese. It’s just fermented soy. This fermentation gives a fresh product with a high level of protein.

In addition, there are cheeses based on coconut fat and starch (usually potatoes). These cheeses get the characteristic texture of animal cheese.

And as a last resort, there is cheese made from nuts. The two most commonly used nuts are cashew and almonds. As a disadvantage, it is very difficult to hide the taste of cashews and almonds, but if one ignores that fact, one will be able to get very original flavors.

Different types

There are many different types. This type of cheese has been with us for a few decades now, but the number of varieties is increasing. Below is a list of types that you can taste:

  • Grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Vegan mozzarella cheese.
  • Halloumi: Cheese that is eaten hot.
  • Vegan cheddar cheese.
  • Smoked vegan cheese.

Where can you find them?

It is sold in “vegan” grocery stores  and organic grocery stores as well as in restaurants and markets.

Lastly, if you want to make a delicious vegan cheese, then we will tell you below how to make it.

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