Yoga And Weight Loss: Do Yoga Burn Calories?

Practicing yoga can help us to burn calories efficiently without risk of injury, although we should always combine this with a healthy and balanced diet to achieve better results.
Yoga and Weight Loss: Do Yoga Burn Calories?

Yoga is an increasingly popular discipline among people who want to take care of themselves and find a balance between body and mind. However, many people wonder if yoga can be used for weight loss and if you can burn calories while practicing yoga.

In this article you will discover the relationship between yoga and weight loss. We will give you the keys to discovering whether you can effectively burn calories while practicing yoga.

Why practice yoga?

Yoga can be an ideal physical activity. This practice respects the limits of the body and does not overload muscles or joints.

Thus, it is no coincidence that millions of people of all ages choose yoga as a way to care for their health. In addition to the emotional and mental balance that yoga brings you, it also serves to tone your muscles and strengthen your joints. Thus, there is a link between yoga and weight loss.

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Through this discipline we can gain flexibility, physical strength, balance, concentration, endurance, energy and relaxation. In addition, we prevent injuries as this technique is based on flexibility and any sudden movement is avoided.

Therefore, yoga is an effective and risk-free way to burn calories. It helps you lose weight gradually as you strengthen your physical abilities and develop your inner strength.

Yoga is healthy for body and soul

Yoga and weight loss

Are yoga and weight loss related? It depends on the type of yoga

As with any other physical activity , you will burn calories while practicing yoga. But there are many types of yoga and many differences between them. Some focus more on relaxation, meditation and breathing. On the other hand, others are more dynamic and work with flexibility and endurance through postures and movements.

If you are looking for a sport where you use more energy, you should choose a more active form of yoga. If you need to relax to combat anxiety or nervousness, it will be beneficial for you to choose a more introspective form of yoga.

Either way, it is important to assess what it is that keeps you from losing weight, in order to be able to choose between one or the other form of yoga.

We would like to highlight a particular kind of yoga called Bikram Yoga. In this form of yoga, the room is kept at a temperature of 42 ° C. The goal is to make you sweat more and to raise your heart rate in order to burn more calories.

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Yoga and weight loss are sometimes related, but your diet is just as important

Diet plays a vital role in weight loss

If you want to burn calories, in addition to exercising several times a week, you also need to pay attention to your diet. Today, counting calories is an outdated method that is not always effective; not to mention that it also causes frustration and anxiety.

To achieve weight loss, nutritionists are increasingly focusing on a healthy and natural diet using common sense and to avoid the yoyo effect.

To do this, instead of focusing on calories, follow these tips:

  • Increase your intake of vegetables, whether in salads, juices, smoothies, sautéed, etc.
  • Always choose whole grain products that are rich in fiber and avoid refined foods.
  • Eliminate sugar and replace it with healthy sweeteners such as honey, stevia or coconut sugar.
  • Reduce your intake of processed foods and, whenever possible, cook for yourself.
  • Do not remove fat from your diet. Instead, choose good quality fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, ghee, oily fish, and more.

Tips for burning calories when practicing yoga

Finally, we will share some guidelines for activating your metabolism and increasing calorie consumption as a result:

  • Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day when fasting and outside of meals.
  • Avoid sitting for too long and getting up, at least every hour.
  • Incorporate strong spices into your diet, such as cayenne pepper and ginger.
  • Take a shower with cold – or at least lukewarm – water. However, avoid using cold water on your head.
  • Sleep as much as you need during the night.
  • Fight stress.
  • You should not skip any meals during the day, especially not breakfast. You should eat at least the three most important meals, and if you wish, eat something in the middle of the morning and in the afternoon.
  • Increase your protein intake, always in proportion to plant-based and animal-based foods.
  • You can drink green tea and coffee, but only in moderation.

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