You Can Fight Colds At Home Without Medicine

You can overcome common colds at home with some simple tips and natural remedies. Read here to find out more.
You can fight colds at home without medication

In this article, we would like to share our six tips for fighting colds at home without medication. You can alleviate these common viral infections by following some simple guidelines, the home remedy chosen and above all much needed rest.

Inflammation of your upper respiratory tract can cause a lot of pain and discomfort while you have a cold. So here are some tips to help you relieve your symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Six tips to fight colds at home

1. Stay away from antibiotics

First, we want to make sure you know that a cold is a viral infection, so taking antibiotics will be useless and even harmful. These are only useful for treating bacterial infections.

However, if you are not sure if you have a virus or a bacterial infection, be sure to see a doctor.

That said, the primary symptom of a cold is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It can affect the nose, throat, trachea, larynx, sinuses and even the ears. Thus, the home remedies or medications you need to take should relieve discomfort in the respiratory system.

Also read: The inherent risks of antibiotics

Essential ingredients to fight colds at home

Lemon, honey and garlic to fight colds

Some natural remedies can help you fight colds at home. These cures stand out either for their antiviral or expectorant properties or as anticoagulants:

  • Ginger has expectorant properties that also bring a lot of warmth to the body and promote healing of the infection.
  • You can crush, chew or cut garlic to make allicin, and this is where its immune-boosting properties are. This is a powerful remedy against viruses.
  • Ceylon cinnamon is expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
  • Lemon and lime contain a lot of vitamin C and are powerful remedies for congestion.
  • Cayenne pepper in small amounts strengthens the immune system and is also a remedy for clogging.
  • Honey relieves your cough by loosening and facilitating expulsion of mucus.
  • Licorice is expectorant and antiviral, relieves cough and also inflammation and irritation.

Hydration is important to fight colds at home

Another important thing you need to do to overcome colds at home is to stay well hydrated. It helps you loosen mucus and therefore relieve clogging.

In addition to drinking water, you can also ingest some infusions using one of the plants we mentioned above. If you do not just want to drink water and tea, you can also increase your fluid intake by eating fresh fruits, soups and juices.

4. Keep the airways moist

Man makes steam bath to fight colds

Another tip for fighting colds at home is to keep the airways moist. This is very useful when you have dry cough and throat irritation.

One way to do this is to use a humidifier. Some of these even give us the ability to add essential oils. The ones that work best are eucalyptus, lemon, pine and oregano.

Another way to do this is by holding your head over a pot or dish of boiling water to open, clear and moisten your airways directly.

5. Rest

A cold is a sign that your immune system is weak and that you need to rest. You can review it without it being a major inconvenience. Think of it as a cleansing process your body performs once in a while.

When you force yourself to maintain your usual routine, you will only aggravate your symptoms and prolong your cold. You expose yourself to a higher risk of further complications.

Spend your time relaxing and enjoying your “mini-vacation” as much as possible. Drink herbal tea, stay warm and avoid changes in temperatures. Rest as long as your body needs it. Try not to go out and do not drink alcohol or smoke if you normally do.

Also read: Find out how the flu affects the body

6. Go to the doctor if…

Woman in sofa coughing
  • … The person with a cold belongs to a high-risk group such as pregnant women, infants, children under 5 years of age and patients with HIV / AIDS as well as nomadic population groups and travelers.
  • You can not breathe.
  • The mucus you secrete is yellow, green, pink or any color other than whitish.
  • You feel pain or discomfort in your ears.
  • There is a fever above 39 ° C, especially if it lasts more than four days or reappears after it is already gone.
  • You have more symptoms than the common cold or experience great discomfort.
  • Your cough will not go away with time or become more severe.

You should be able to fight the common cold at home if you follow these simple tips while allowing your body to rest. Natural remedies can help you recover in a few days.

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